Six Most Unique Locations to Get a Tattoo On

When it comes to tattooing, the body is considered one huge canvas eagerly waiting to be decorated. And yet, most of the individuals instead of experimenting opt for typical locations like the bicep, back, chest, wrist, ankle, and shoulder blade. To know about the more unique areas that you may have a tattoo on, please keep reading. Yes, some of them may have abundant nerve endings, thus, inflict immense pain. Some of them may be a subject of friction and fail to hold on a design for long. But, if you find them worthy enough, please invest without any hesitation. 1. Eyelids Eyelid tattoos acquired widespread recognition all across the globe. They may be a source of appreciation, curiosity, as well as criticism. It depends on how well you handle the feedback. The skin on the eyelids is exposed to the ultraviolet rays of the sun, so, a tattoo here may fade quickly or distort after a couple of years. 2. Inside the Ear The experts working in the top tattoo shops in...